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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Narco Execution Videos and its Effects on the Population"

One seriously has to ask themself:

-What drives people to go with this way of life?
-What would dissuade them from participating in this type of activity?
-What good will jail do if they only do time, but often get out early?
-What will stop this activity if less than 3% of these criminals are ever indicted for their crimes (Buscaglia in 2010 BBC video posted to this site)?

-What makes young children grow up and participate in such atrocities?

Even al Qaeda never appeared to go through this extreme; there was a politcal/quasi religious over tone in their activities.  The Mexican drug cartels have none of that.

As long as the cartels have the psychological advantage to use whatever force they deem necessary, while the government appears unable to control its state, the people will align with the cartels to survive in active or tacit support roles.

The cartels will not submit themselves to any law, but their own, while they have the means to resist.  They appear to only respect lethal force.  Only high-op tempo lethal force is going to cause a disruption in their activities until a form of governance can be established.

While it is likely these kind of activities may be few in nature, they appear to be a norm according to media reporting.  A strategic communications campaign is needed thwart this perception of strength.

Other comments-

This video highlights why the Mexican government needs to have a death penalty.   The video also captures why the US needs to take a greater interest as to what's occurring at our southern borders and bleeding over into the US.  The drugs are not the only concern coming across the border, but also the culture. THE VIDEO CAPTURES A NORM IN MEXICO WHERE CARTELS ARE ACTIVE, NOT AN ANOMALY.  

Forget Libya, Egypt, etc...focus is needed on Mexico.  Where are the US politicians, Human Rights Activists, UN and other international organizations in this fight?

Currently the cartel remains the only power able to control life and death.  The population will align themselves with the power that has the greatest influence over their lives.

Warning, the video is extremely graphic.  It captures the harsh reality of the cartels and the inability of the government to protect its people. 

Narco Execution Videos and its Effects on the Population: "This video surfaced today on the narco blogs, its content is extremely violent. It is unknown exactly when it was filmed, nor where it took ..."

Other related articles of interest:

Mexican Drug Cartels: Narco-Insurgent Center of Gravity

Mexican Drug Cartels: Strategy to Counter Drug Operations

Mexican Drug Cartels: 'Disrupt Insurgent Psychological Dominance'

Mexican Drug Cartels: Ripping Apart Narco-Insurgents ...

Mexican Drug Cartels: Narco-Terrorists Fills Governance Void - See How

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