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Monday, May 9, 2011

090621RMay11 Mexico Articles of Interest

Comment: While the protests in Mexico appear to be gaining some momentum, what is the real objective of the protests? Is it simply to stop the government's efforts to fight the cartels? What about the cartels themselves? What's to stop them? Where are the mass protests against their activities? It appears that it's okay with Mexicans that the cartel activities continue unabated; they don't care that the activity is wrong, that it in itself breaks down society. However, their argument that the cartel problem is a result of failed/failing governance is accurate. As there is no reason to partake in illegal activities if money could be made the honest way. End comment.

In Mexico City, Crowds Protest Drug Violence - Los Angeles Times

Tens of Thousands March in Mexico Against Violence - New York Times

Thousands March Against Violence in Mexico City - Associated Press

Thousands of Mexicans March to Protest Drug War - Reuters

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