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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mexico's Drug Wars and the Presidential Election

Comment: Very good article. The piece basically says that the drug war will continue regardless if Calderon stays in office, or not. One example used in the article to support the argument references the current US President Barak Obamas criticizing Bush during the election campaign by taking the US to war and promised to end them...yet the US is now involved in more wars than during the Bush presidency.


While this political rhetoric may be effective in tapping public discontent with the current situation in Mexico — and perhaps obtaining votes for opposition parties — the current environment in Mexico is far different from what it was in the 1990s. This environment will dictate that no matter who wins the 2012 election, the new president will have little choice but to maintain the campaign against the Mexican cartels.

Read: Mexico's Drug Wars and the Presidential Election

Also check out:  Drug War Zone: Frontline Dispatches from the Streets of El Paso and Juárez

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