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Friday, December 3, 2010

Ripping Apart Narco-Insurgents 2 - Governance and the Broader Look

Here's another perspective on counterinsurgency.  Below are a 8 videos worth watching that talk about insurgencies and counterinsurgencies in a larger context and how they are disrupted; how long it takes to disrupt them; the issue of effective goveranance and policing.

The majority of the vignettes and examples are from Afghanistan and Iraq, however, there are relevant principles that apply to the Mexico problem.

Counterinsurgency is generally a tactic, not a strategy.  David Kilcullen goes beyond mere counterinsurgency tactics and addresses the issue of governance...something government of Mexico is failing in as it does not offer better alternatives to the population, nor cannot it effectively protect them.

The narco-insurgency is more localized.  Meaning?  When you watch these videos view each city from the perspective of mini-states...and that each mini-state is fighting their own insurgent problem.  This will help give the viewer perspective as to how the narco-insurgency problem could be look from a counterinsurgent perspective.

When time allows, I will try to highlight key portions in each video that have the most relevance with Mexico.  The bottom line to take away from these videos is that Mexico can contain the drug cartel problem...meaning there is hope.

Here's a synoposis of the video from the US Marine Corps Association

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