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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Soft Kill 2 – The Cartel Way

Soft Kill 2 – The Cartel Way
The last postSoft Killing a DTOaddressed the importance of separating the Mexican population from the cartels. 
This piece is about how the cartels separate the population from the Mexican government, and US laws.   While this effort may not directly be the narcos fault due to media and movie industry efforts to profit from current events, cartels are known to hire bands to sing ballads about their exploits.  That said, it is reasonable to believe Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) may have supporters in the movie industry.
Music, media and religion not only represent culture, they shape and reinforce culture.  Culture helps set social mores/standards/rules, beliefs and practices acceptable by society at large. 
This article Narco culture glamorizes violent lifestyle in Mexico and in Texas shows exactly what ‘Antonio’ claimed is luring Mexicans into the cartel way of life. 
Warring drug cartels fighting for turf in Mexico, especially near the border, seem to be winning a battle for the hearts and minds of many young people enticed by the power, money and flashy images that glamorize the narco lifestyle.
The key points of this article by Angela Kocherga are:
  • Songs and movies of the cartels glorify cartel criminal activity
  • Traffickers and hit men post videos of their criminal activities online,  along with music
  • University of Texas at El Paso professor, Howard Campbell, calls it "a counterculture of criminality." Campbell is an anthropologist and the author of  "Drug War Zone: Frontline Dispatches from the Streets of El Paso and Juarez." 
  • These activities are luring Mexicans into a life of crime, “especially the young” due to the façade of easy money, women and glory.
  • There is also reportedly a growing spiritual element to the narco culture in the form of giving reverence to Santa Muerte, Saint Death.  Coincidentally the largest shrine to this saint lies in the black market area of the Tepito section of Mexico City.  Reverence in the form of offerings is also given to the criminal Saint Malverde.  Both Saints have been claimed to be associated with people with ties to the criminal world.  The Catholic Church is having problems disrupting this activity.
  • Candles venerating both saints can be found in stores around the US.  Some candles have been found in areas considered somewhat rural like Fredericksburg, Virginia as of late 2010.

Dominate or be dominated. 


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