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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Latin American Herald Tribune - Mexican Police Chief Finished Off in Ambulance by Gunmen


Shadows of Things Past and Images of the Future: Lessons for the Insurgencies in Our Midst

Comment:  While the conflict in Mexico is generally not political, the cartels are subverting rule of law, general safety and security and overall stability.  Mexico appears to continue crumbling before our eyes from a state into fiefdoms.   Insurgencies DO NOT have to be political because the narco-insurgents/terrorists kill all the policy enforcers and creators thereby filling the political/institutional voids to levy and enforce their own form of law in their areas of operation and influence.

Mexican Police Chief Finished Off in Ambulance by Gunmen

GUADALAJARA, Mexico – A wounded municipal police chief was finished off by gunmen while he was being transported to a hospital by a Mexican Red Cross ambulance over the weekend, prosecutors said.

Jesus Caledonio Humildad Galaviz was ambushed and shot Saturday night on a highway in a remote area of Jalisco state near the border with Zacatecas state.

Full article:  Latin American Herald Tribune - Mexican Police Chief Finished Off in Ambulance by Gunmen

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