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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Taxes Driving Mexican Government Casino Raids - The Associated Press: Mexico gov opens corruption probe in deadly fire


Comment:  What’s important to take away from this piece? 

  • 53 Innocents are killed?
  • Ah…talk about the government regulating gambling because of concerns of “corruption, money laundering and extortion”?  It’s too late there.
  • Guess again, it’s about taxes…the corruption, money laundering and extortion has gone on for decades.  Despite this though, it does need to be under government control.
  • It’s plato, plato, plato more than plomo

Excerpt:  Mexico gov opens corruption probe in deadly fire

By ELLIOT SPAGAT, Associated Press – 1 hour ago

MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) — A casino fire that killed 52 people in the northern city of Monterrey has put new pressure on the government to regulate a rapidly growing gambling industry that many Mexicans believe is vulnerable to corruption, money laundering and extortion.

The state of Nuevo Leon, where Monterrey is located, launched a new offensive Wednesday against casinos as a videotape was released of the brother of the city's mayor taking wads of cash inside an unidentified gambling establishment days before last week's deadly arson attack.

Mexico's gaming boom has occurred under the administration of President Felipe Calderon, which has led a bloody crackdown on organized crime. The Calderon government says it has not approved a single casino permit since he took office in late 2006 and blames judges for issuing injunctions to allow gambling halls to operate outside of local authority.

"The pace of growth has been very fast, outstripping the authorities' ability to enforce the existing regulations, including prosecuting those who are operating without the necessary permits," David Elizaga, Codere's chief financial officer, said during a conference call with investors last week.

Gambling businesses must report their earnings to Mexico's tax agency, which industry experts say has had trouble monitoring the income of legal operations, let alone illegal ones.

Some 700 soldiers, federal police and tax agents raided 11 casinos and confiscated more than 3,500 machines in Monterrey and Mexico City over the weekend, an operation the tax agency said was part of its regular enforcement…

Read Full Article:  The Associated Press: Mexico gov opens corruption probe in deadly fire

Blogger Labels: Taxes,Mexican,Government,Casino,Raids,Mexico,corruption,Comment,Innocents,money,extortion,decades,Despite,Excerpt,ELLIOT,SPAGAT,hour,MONTERREY,industry,Mexicans,Nuevo,Leon,casinos,brother,cash,establishment,arson,administration,President,Felipe,Calderon,crackdown,crime,office,injunctions,halls,growth,David,Elizaga,Codere,officer,conference,investors,earnings,agency,experts,income,Some,agents,enforcement,Read,Full,Article,plato,week

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