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Sunday, February 26, 2012

2012 Mexican Drug War- Where are We? What We Can Do? A Second Source Says 50,000 Dead from Dec 2006 to Dec 2011

2012 Mexican Drug War- Where are We? What We Can Do?  A Second Source Says 50,000 Dead from Dec 2006 to Dec 2011

Below is a video from al Jazeera which wraps up what was summarized in a few recent posts regarding the death tolls in Mexico. The key points of the video are this:

-Mexican media, and at least one political scientist, see the death toll somewhere in the neighborhood of 50,000. The reason for this confusion in death toll numbers is because many incidences go unreported and/or missing people are not considered casualties. It’s also because members of the media face limitation due to cartel violence, torture and coercion.  Of note, the al Jazeera video stated the Mexican government will come out with their numbers later in January 2012. We will get a chance to see what the public perception says, versus the government perception.  Perception rules in low intensity conflict environments.

-Right now, the two dominant cartels are the Sinaloa (aka Pacific) and Los Zetas Cartels. Note in the prior posts listed under ‘other references’ the Mexican Drug War Death Toll from December 2006 to December 2012 is 50,000 NOT 38,000 - See 2012 Trends notes the Sinaloa is more strategic thinking, while Los Zetas tend to be more like local thugs.

-One of the cartels major targets are reporters/media folks. Why? The media brings worldwide attention to the problem; they attempt to expose entities contributing to the problem; and, their reports shape the public’s view of the problem. No press, no problem…no problem…governments, to include the US, ignore the issue. Have press, one cannot ignore the problem…including the US. ***NOTE*** REMEMBER, WHOEVER DOMINATES THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BATTLEFIELD, DOMINATES THE FIGHT. MEXICO NEEDS MORE MEDIA COVERAGE TO EXPOSE THE ACTIONS/ACTIVITIES OF CORRUPT POLICE, CITY OFFICIALS, LOCALS COLLUDING WITH THE CARTELS. YOU CAN LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS DYNAMIC BELOW BY READING Bottom Line Up Front: Dominate Psychological Environment – Notes of a Counterinsurgent

-Last, Calderon’s time is up. Mexican Presidents can only serve one six-year term. To Calderon’s credit he’s increased emphasis on cleaning up the police forces throughout Mexico…a very hard task. Calderon is also credited for helping to lessen violence in major drug corridors, such a Ciudad Juarez.

See Video Now

Other references:

-Mexican Drug War Death Toll from December 2006 to December 2012 is 50,000 NOT 38,000 - See 2012 Trends

-2012 and the Mexican Drug War - 38,000 Killed and Counting

-Bottom Line Up Front: Dominate Psychological Environment – Notes of a Counterinsurgent

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