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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Subverting Mexico - Mexico Cartels Paid Millions for Political Favors

Mexico Cartels Paid Millions for Political Favors
VOA News
Key Point:
- U.S. Drug Enforcement officials filed court documents in U.S. District Court in San Antonio, Texas. The documents stated 4.5 million dollars was paid by Mexican drug cartel leaders to purchase the loyalties of Mexican government and political officials with ties to Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
Comment: This is an example of “Cold Revolutionary Warfare” as noted by the late counterinsurgency warfare expert, David Galula in the 1960s. This is noted in chapter 4, page 43 (see below). Cold Revolutionary Warfare is when an insurgent leverages legal mechanisms in a nonviolent manner in order to overthrow/circumvent/overthrow any challenges to their interests by counterinsurgent or counter-criminal elements.

Sources:; accessed 11Feb12; accessed 11Feb12

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