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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Combating Terrorism – January 2012 Issue of CTC Sentinel Posted – Addresses Terrorism Recruitment, Bioterrorism, Jihadists in Europe and Mexican Drug Cartels



CTC Sentinel | Volume 5, Issue 1 (January 2012)

Published by Combating Terrorism Center

The U.S.-Pakistan Relationship in the Year Ahead
By Ahmed Rashid

In the past six months, a series of major incidents between the United States and Pakistan has brought their relationship to a new low. Although all of Pakistan’s international relationships are important, it is the one with the United States that is most critical to its future stability as well as the maintenance of peace in South Asia. A key question for the year 2012 will be whether the United States and Pakistan can rebuild a much abused relationship. This article will review the primary incidents that led to the worsening of relations in 2011, identify some U.S. missteps, warn of a number of flashpoints that could occur in 2012, and finally offer critical suggestions for how the U.S.-Pakistan relationship can be resuscitated in the months ahead.


Al-Shabab’s Western Recruitment Strategy

Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens

Bioterrorism: Still a Threat to the United States

Leonard A. Cole

Individual Jihadist Operations in Europe: Patterns and Challenges

Petter Nesser

Profiles of Mexico’s Seven Major Drug Trafficking Organizations

Peter Chalk

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