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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Baseline: Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis Through 2010

Jun 30, 2011
Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis Through 2010, Trans-Border Institute, 2011.
Source link:

About the Report
This report was prepared for the Justice in Mexico Project ( which is hosted by the
Trans-Border Institute at the University of San Diego, and supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The Tinker Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. The report draws insights from a December 2010 workshop hosted by the Trans-Border Institute. The analysis and conclusions of the authors do not reflect the views of the Trans-Border Institute, its affiliates, or its sponsoring organizations. To purchase a hard copy of the report, please contact:
All TBI maps produced by Theresa Firestine.
Copyright Justice in Mexico Project, 2011. (Updated March 17, 2011)

Trans-Border Institute (TBI)
University of San Diego
5998 Alcalá Park, San Diego, CA 92110

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