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Friday, July 1, 2011

Cartels Threaten to Decapitate US Law Enforcement Officials

Comment:  The cartels power comes mostly not from the gun, but by perception.  Yes, they are killing people, no doubt, however their real strength is acquired via fear.  Fear, consequences and the desire to survive reinforce cartel successes.  Until the people see the police as their savior, they will not turn on the cartels.  Another possibility is if the people get fed up enough on such a large scale that they begin taking action against the cartels themselves.  While this may be an option, it comes with risk.  Such actions would best be actioned by clandestine means in order to limit any potential for retaliation as well as create a shadow the cartels will fear as they will not clearly know who is hitting them; but know such actions are not without some significant bloodletting.  Last, while it's pretty and warm in concept for poets and artists to protest against the Mexican government for being violent, they are unfortunate 'useful idiots' by making things easier for the cartels to operate with impunity.  The cartels are no different than the late Abu Musab al Zarqawi and Osama bin Laden, and as such, it is these extremists that must be put to sleep, as that was the only way to stop the violence emanating from these two terrorists. End comment.

Elsewhere in the north Friday, a spray-painted sign threatening death for U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents was found next to a school in the northern city of Chihuahua, officials said.
Addressed with profanity to “Gringos (D.E.A.),” the unsigned graffiti warned: “We know where you are and we know who you are and where you go. We are going to chop off your (expletive) heads.”
Anonymous messages conveying threats and other warnings are common in areas hit hard by Mexico’s drug war, but it is rarer for them to threaten U.S. law enforcement. Authorities do not know who left the message, which was removed.
The DEA referred questions to the U.S. State Department. Officials there did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Read the rest here:  Mexican marines kill 15 cartel suspects in battle | The Sierra Vista Herald

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