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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sinaloa Cartel Has Government Sanction? - Mexico Not in League with Sinaloa Cartel, Insists Government


Comment:  It’s hard to say what is actually true, however, there is likely some collusion between government officials and the Sinaloa cartel.  Despite this however, the Mexican government is wise to target what they can now before engaging the hard problem…Sinaloa Cartel.  Doing this follows a concept once taught in the US Marine Corps known as the concept of surfaces and gaps, a maneuver warfare concept.  When engaging a problem one wants to exploit what is vulnerable and follow through by reinforcing success in order to fully eradicate a threat.  Once this is accomplished, all energy is shifted over to the next problem.  This allows the government to economize their resources as well as gain some credibility with the people by making progressive gains.


Meanwhile, there are suspicions that the government is focusing on pursuing members of other drug-trafficking organizations, at the expense of targeting the Sinaloa Cartel. An investigation by the U.S. radio station NPR in 2010 found that the number of Sinaloa members captured is disproportionately low, relative to those arrested from other criminal groups.

All this, together with the rising fortunes of the Sinaloa Cartel, has led to suspicions that law enforcement may be on Guzman’s side, perhaps working to eliminate the Sinaloa Cartel's rivals at the expense of targeting Sinaloan operatives, with "El Chapo's" unofficial blessing.

View article:Mexico Not in League with Sinaloa Cartel, Insists Government

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