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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Eliminate root causes of violence to "manage" drug cartels | Baker Institute Blog | a blog

"Earlier this month, the Mexican navy announced the death of Heriberto
Lazcano, the leader of Mexico's violent Zetas drug cartel, during a
firefight with the marines. The slaying was hailed as a significant victory
for the government of President Felipe Calderón, which has made the
elimination of top cartel leaders a priority in its fight against organized
crime. But will a strategy to target drug kingpins pay off in the long-term?
Baker Institute fellows weigh the pros and cons of the approach in a
five-day installment of the Baker Institute Viewpoints series. Today, Nathan
Jones, the institute's Alfred C. Glassell III Postdoctoral Fellow in Drug
Policy, argues that alone, the strategy cannot "effectively manage organized
crime networks in Latin America."

Read full article:

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