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Sunday, October 28, 2012


This selection was acquired from the Baker Institute



Viewpoints is a Baker Institute Blog feature that provides an array of expert views on a single issue. Each installment runs daily for up to a week as institute fellows, scholars and guest writers offer informed perspectives on the selected topic. A recent Viewpoints series on the possible legalization of marijuana in the United States drew thousands of readers and hundreds of comments.

Click through to the posts below to catch up on the Baker Institute Viewpoints series to date.

October 2012: Despite taboos and lost legitimacy, armed groups around the world engage in extreme acts of violence, symbolic and otherwise. What is their motivation and how do they justify their acts?

September 2012: Should marijuana be legalized in the United States?

August 2012: Recent shootings at a movie theater in Colorado, a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and the Empire State Building, as well as the Operation Fast and Furious controversy, have revived debate about the role of guns in our society. Baker Institute experts discussed gun control, Texas gun running, and why the political conversation about guns is unlikely to change anytime soon.

July 2012: Baker Institute experts debated the prospect of a paramilitary force to fight drug cartels, as Mexico’s President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto has proposed:

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