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Sunday, October 21, 2012

How to Subvert the Mexican Drug Cartels Michoacán Style- Turning the Insurgent Center of Gravity into a Community Center of Gravity


Another Counter Cartel/Criminal Community Emerges

It began in Cheran in 2011when the indigenous population dissolved their local government for its inability to establish a safe and secure environment for its people. One year later, crime went down and the people established a safe and secure environment for its own people. Now in a town approximately 8 miles

to the 8 o’clock position of Cheran, another vigilante group stood up- this time in the Paracho municipality of Michoacán state in southern Mexico according to The catalyst for the change is the same catalyst as what resulted change in Cheran, the people were tired of having their natural resources stolen, particularly lumber; kidnappings and disappearances of its own local citizens. Paracho also wanted to prosecute community policing efforts to undermine neutralize any cartel/criminal freedom of movement within their area.Michoacan

What are the Citizens Doing?

Again, like Cheran, Paracho took charge of their own security by establishing checkpoints and roadblocks around September 2012 after the government of Mexico continued to fail at doing their job. People are tired of being bullied by the cartels and are now fighting back in some areas. This is the second town in Michoacán province that’s stood up a vigilante force. Coincidentally, Michoacán is the home President Felipe Calderon.

Why Communities are Stronger than the Cartels

The strength of the cartels does not lay in their guns, over even their own people. The strength of the cartels and criminal gangs lay in their ability to psychologically rape and control the mind and spirit of the community. Community vigilante groups turn this cartel/criminal strength by turning it into a liability by resisting the groups to the death. Cartel members cannot go on 24 hours a day, they have to rest. Meanwhile there are more citizens than cartel members and this is when they can be attacked. By communities resisting cartel/criminal groups, communities deny them freedom of movement, intelligence, communications and other capabilities needed to affect their operations. Insurgent-COG

You can read more, and see the video, about the bravery of the people of Cheran here -

You can also read more about the importance of local community affecting psychological control over their environment -

1 comment:

  1. Highly descriptive post, I liked that bit. Will there be a part 2?

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