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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fired!?- Successful Mexican Police Chief

Here’s an interesting report.  The report notes that Tijuana Police Chief Julian, Leyzaola,‘a model for the rest of Mexico’, may be fired for political reasons. 

Here’s an interesting report.  The report notes that Tijuana Police Chief Julian, Leyzaola,‘a model for the rest of Mexico’, may be fired for political reasons. 
Why?   He is being accused of employing forceful methods to curtail cartel activity in Tijuana, actions that have resulted in successes.  His successes have resulted in ‘the crime rated dropped significantly’ since his taking office.
Comment:  According to the report, there is no doubt the police chief is running the town with an ‘iron fist’; there have even been several attempts on his life, however the cartels and local criminals are not simply going to stop their activities because of a law.  What Mexico has been lacking is law enforcement as indicated in the estimated 30,000 people killed in the drug conflict, and these are only the ones that can be substantiated.
Somehow, somewhere, someone has to step up to the plate and apply some level of force.  This police chief seems to be doing that.
Success in such an effort is typically not measured in some formal quantitative sense.  Success may be measured in a qualitative manner, when people, for example, can walk the streets feeling safer.  From what the report and video indicates, the police chief has achieved this.  He has reportedly done so well that he’s received recognition from U.S. officials. 
Good policing is what is going to make the difference in Mexico. 

 The video and article are both worth viewing.

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