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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Infiltration and Subversion - Mexico's War On Drugs

This interesting article  Borderland Beat: Mexico's War On Drugs addressed the following issues:

-Provides a quick orientation regarding the genesis of the current drug war in Mexico

-2006 "By the time President Felipe Calderón assumed office it was estimated that over half of all local and state authorities were on the drug cartel’s payroll with corruption spreading into federal agents and across the border into the United States’ police departments."

-it gives a run down on the following cartels -- The Gulf Cartel, The Tijuana Cartel, The Sinaloa Cartel and The Juarez Cartel.

-Cartel global expansion efforts

-Lack of US commitment to fight help Mexico degrade, disrupt cartel activities

-Most interesting, is the article's claim Colombian cartel efforts to politically strategically subvert the US by flooding the country with drugs..." It is well known that the drug trade was established by key players as a political attack against the United States but greed has kept drug cartels pumping dope in. A famous example of this is the work of George Jung and Carlos Lehder. Together Jung and Lehder flooded the United States with cocaine by air, successfully raising the amounts being smuggled in from a few kilos at a time to a few tons. When Jung overheard that Lehder had not been in the business for money but to drop the deadly and addictive drug on the American’s like an atomic bomb, Jung broke ties with Lehder but continued trafficking the drug on his own until his capture."

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