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Friday, April 15, 2011

"The Security They Owe Us"

The excerpts and source article below are about the Mexican Governments failure to maintain the social contract with its people by securing the general welfare and interests for its people.


"The prevailing perception is that of a weak state unable to enforce the law. While an unprecedented number of police and military have been deployed to fight organized crime, drug trafficking is intact, drug addictions are on the rise, and related crimes such as kidnapping, extortion and human trafficking are burdening millions of Mexicans who feel helpless, with no one to turn to."

"The people’s tranquility, their heritage, their freedom and even their lives are being lost as the authorities appear to be have lost control of the problem. This rewards impunity."

"Investments are being affected. Some cities, once strong and industrious, are now synonymous with violence and war. We have roads that nobody wants to move on. So, little by little, the criminals are gaining ground is spite of the massive government effort that does not seem to intimidate. If the strategy is wrong, we must correct it or adjust it, but now, without delay, without obstinately following the path that currently seems futile to maintain. "

source: Borderland Beat: "The Security They Owe Us"

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