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Friday, April 15, 2011

Video "America Does Not Know..." Cartels pushing informants into law enforcement?

Bottom line up front; the sheriff in the video interview highlights some critical national security issues many US citizens are not aware of; issues the US government seems to be putting at low priority...below Libya for example.

This video discusses several techniques the cartels use to do the following:

  • Tactics cartels use to penetrate the Mexican security infrastructure to facilitate cartel operations... a form of subversion.
  • Video notes how US border officials are being bribed to allow cartels logistics activities enter the US.... a form of infiltration and subversion.
  • Video highlights a number of issues Americans are generally unaware of that is slowly having an impact on the US way of life...nascent/subtle form of infiltration and subversion.
  • Video highlights counterintelligence concerns within US law enforcement and border enforcement agencies.
Video is dated 8 April 2011

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