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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mexico's Lost Generation - The Power of Perception and Reality

While the video is dated late 2010, its message remains relevant...Mexico appears to be dying as a functional nation state; the US does not want to realize that, and the Mexican government is in denial that it is ineffective. 

True, the video below is just a snapshot of events, but in the world of insurgency, instability and media...perception shapes reality, and right now the cartels shape, influence, control and dominate that reality.  And at the end of the day, its what the people believe that will cause them to live as they do, and make the choices they select.  Whoever dominates that narrative, achieves psychological dominance of the battlespace.

Weak governance, moral relativism and rampant crime is contributing to a new generation of Mexcians that highlight what appears to be the future of Mexico - a FAILED STATE. 

The state does not protect it's people; it does not feed its people; it's people lack jobs; narcos control/influence towns; the police extort people for money on the roads to subsidize lack of adequate pay;  few criminals are successfully prosecuted, and you have a Mexican diplomat who refuses to call the narcos terrorists, but instead refers them as businessmen

If this is NOT indicative of failing governance and a failing society, or a failing state, what is?  The future of Mexico and its social/cultural mores are revealed in the video below.

That said, can anybody say why Libya is more imporant, and relevant, to US interests than Mexico?

As for actual state failure; this has be validated. For example, how much of Mexico is under actual control of the cartels?  How effective is governance in these other parts of Mexico? Are the other portions of Mexico not under control by the cartels more important to the nation's survival than the areas under narco control?  What is the Mexican government doing to deny the cartels the narrative which shapes perceptions in a way making the situation in Mexico appear more dire than it really is?  However, right now, there is no doubt the cartels dominate the perceptual realm; and this is truly where the real fight is...the physical/tangible results of their control begins in the mind.

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