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Monday, April 11, 2011

Mexican drug cartels targeting and killing children - The Washington Post

Again, the cartels know there is no dealth penalty and know effective legal efforst to curtail the level of violence and indiscriminate killing.

The situation continues to only grow worse.  Before, the media and government officials wanted to attribute deaths and disappearances to narco versus narco fighting...we see that assessment is wrong. 

What will be done?  Will the people finally take up arms and fight?  Will the government finally sanction a death penalty?  Where does the line stop in Mexico?

Libya?  What meaning does Libya hold to the US? 

The US needs to watch the cartels more and start targeting them as they attempt to cross their activities into the US.

Again, the late counterinsurgent David Galula remains prophetic when he said:

"It can no longer be ignored or applied unconsciously in a country beset by a revolutionary war, when what is at stake is precisely the counterinsurgent’s power directly challenged by an active minority through the use of subversion and force. The counterinsurgent who refuses to use this law for his own purposes, who is bound by its peacetime limitations, tends to drag the war out without getting closer to victory. How far to extend the limitations is a matter of ethics, and a very serious one, but no more so than bombing the civilian population in a conventional war. All wars are cruel, the revolutionary war perhaps most of all because every citizen, whatever his wish, is or will be directly and actively involved in it by the insurgent who needs him and cannot afford to let him remain neutral. The cruelty of the revolutionary war is not a mass, anonymous cruelty but a highly personalized, individual one. No greater crime can be committed by the counterinsurgent than accepting, or resigning himself to, the protraction of the war. He would do as well to give up early."

Mexican drug cartels targeting and killing children - The Washington Post

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