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Saturday, April 16, 2011

On the bloody side of the border - Columns - Opinion - The Telegram

Below are a couple of interesting findings from an author who criticizes Mexico's get hard on drugs policy and believes legalization of drugs is the key to stability in Mexico.

"Abandoned homes

It has only grown worse since the current Mexican president ordered an all-out offensive against the trade five years ago. In Juarez alone, almost one-quarter of the city’s 488,000 homes have been abandoned by their owners — many of whom claim that they’re ordered out of their neighbourhoods by thugs who need the territory to carry out their illegal activities.

Unfortunately, Juarez is not the only Mexican city with a problem of indiscriminate drug trade violence. A recent international report — one that the Mexican government seems reluctant to acknowledge — calculates that more than 35,000 people have been murdered since 2006, when Mexico’s War on Drugs began, and that as many as 230,000 people have been rendered homeless."

source: On the bloody side of the border - Columns - Opinion - The Telegram

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