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Saturday, April 23, 2011

New study provides context to the tsunami of drug-related violence in Mexico | Borderzine

Comment.  There are some portions with this piece I'm not sure I agree with that I hope to address later in another posting.   Regardless, the piece is worth thinking about. Note, it appears this piece was put together by academics.  While good, they tend to think from one also needs to look for information associated with more practical issues of the problem e.g. police, military and problem solver type perspectives. This is especially true when studying "open systems", meaning people.  End comment.

New study provides context to the tsunami of drug-related violence in Mexico | Borderzine: "Campbell, who is very familiar with the drug violence in Mexico, said it is difficult to understand what is going on between the cartels but has agreed the context offers a broader outlook of how each drug trafficking organizations operate.

“Each cartel has certain alliances within the Mexican police system, and the political system,” Campbell said. “There are also ways in which those relationships can break out and cause conflict and fighting.”"

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