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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Are 80% of ’seized’ Mexican crime guns coming from the U.S.? - National gun rights |

"Are 80% of 'seized' Mexican crime guns coming from the U.S.?

October 2nd, 2010 9:16 am ET

By David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner

"Guns to Mexico: NRA Mythology Cannot Survive the Facts," Brady Center Vice President Dennis A. Henigan warns in his latest The Huffington Post piece.

One thing is clear. Huge numbers of guns are involved. According to a new report, U.S. Firearms Trafficking to Mexico, by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the University of San Diego Trans-Border Institute, of 75,000 firearms seized by the Mexican government in the last three years, about 80%, or 60,000 firearms, came from the United States.

Really? Because we've seen a 90% claim before. We've even seen Henigan's Brady camp cohorts Paul Helke and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend try to convince us it's "95 to 100 percent". And when the truth came out that those percentages represented the number of guns reported to the U.S. by Mexico, as opposed to the number of guns actually seized, what we did not see was the integrity to correct the record and apologize for getting everyone worked up over crap information. The very people pushing the lie now called pointing out the truth "a red herring."

But this claim is very different. 80% of those seized...?

And the authority for making this claim is a scholarly report?

Shall we examine the scholarship? Here's what the report says:

In May 2010, for example, the Mexican government, which has received training from ATF to better identify firearms, said that of the 75,000 firearms it seized in the last three years about 80 percent, or 60,000 firearms, came from the United States.

The Mexican government said...? And the "scholarly" footnoted source reference is an unsubstantiated, politically-motivated claim by President Felipe Calderón as reported by The Washington Post and The Washington Times?

No data, no disclosure of methodologies, no...uh...proof? Calderón said it, we believe it, that settles it?
Who did the peer review, Eric Holder?

And based on that, a Congress that's fighting for its life in anticipation of a November sea change--one that slinked out of town to do home district damage control before even passing a damn budget--is going to jump on your idiotic gun ban bandwagon?

Is that really where you want to go with this, Dennis, along with projection accusations about mythology and facts?

If so, I'll say the same thing to you I said to Calderón:


With enemies like you, who needs friends?
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source: Are 80% of ’seized’ Mexican crime guns coming from the U.S.? - National gun rights

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