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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mexican Gun Rights

The Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) is this: 

"If we could pressure the Mexican Defense Ministry to liberalize its firearm licensing policies, even temporarily, we might be able to tip the balance of power away from the cartels and their unconscionable cruelty, toward democracy and the rule of law." 

"Equally important and more personally, if you lived in one of Mexico's northern border towns, wouldn't you want to carry a gun? Exactly."

The author of the piece, Robert Farago, beat me to the punch...I was going to address this issue later.

This is a must read. I agree with the author's assessment.  Additionally, I believe the death penalty should be instated in Mexico in order to leverage the psychological consequences with the cartels in addition to expanding gun rights.  Right now, the only element able to leverage the death penalty without retribution are the Cartels.  Until this changes, citizens are going to take the path of least resistance.  Mexico needs to even the playing field.

Mexico is a perfect example of gun control gone bad. 

Snakes have venom for a reason; lions have teeth.  In areas of lawlessness, the lawlessness exists because the law is ineffective and/or cannot be affected. The late US Army General Patton responded to problems quickly with the understanding that if one stuck their hands in the fire, one should expect to be burned...immediately...Patton's perspective and quick action was Pavlov on steroids.

FARAGO: Fewer firearms, more crime

"Gun control set off explosion of drug-cartel violence"

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