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Friday, October 29, 2010

Arming the Mexican People

Vigilantes, The Inherent Right to Self Defense

Here are a couple good questions posted by a great blogger...“So what are your thoughts? Would removing most restrictions from private gun ownership in Mexico make a difference in the drug war?”
My response is yes.
Concerned local citizen groups help even the playing field.  Armed citizens, while potentially dangerous, allows those unable to defend and protect themselves to even the playing field against members of the cartel…provided their actions are reinforced by the government by strengthening local governance and security.
This is an old counterinsurgency tactic…recently used in Iraq and Afghanistan but date back to the days of Galula, Kitson and others. 
Right now the cartels have the psychological advantage over the government and the local population.   The Mexican government limits public access to weapons, and has no death penalty.  However, the cartels have unlimited access to weapons and are both willing and capable to kill to meet their objectives.
Add the fact the government cannot protect its citizens; the people are going to choose the path of least resistance in order to survive.
Despite what some may think that counterinsurgency is a hearts and minds effort,  counterinsurgency involves targeted killing operations in order to break this psychological control over the people so the people can take control of their society and mitigate the strength and influence of criminals.  If the people are better armed, and able to defend themselves, then the government can focus their efforts on the more extreme cartel members…a symbiotic relationship.
Empowering the people is part of counterinsurgency…it’s what makes the effort successful.  

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