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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cartels Invading the US – A Video Vignette

Cartels Invading the US – A Video Vignette from San Diego, Calfornia

This video goes beyond simply talking about the Mexican cartel movements into San Diego, California.  This video addresses the following items of interest/concern:
  • Cartel retaliation in San Diego, California
  • Violence in Mexico is rising to levels of violence in Colombia during the 70s.
  • More than 28,000 casualties. Of particular note is the sheriff’s comment regarding the causalities of the Mexican drug wars.   He comments that people who go missing are not included in the cartel statistics.  The sheriff cites some examples.  [Comment:  most current casualty estimates are in the range of 28,000 from late 2006 to mid-October 2010.  What the officer is implying is that the actual casualty numbers are likely higher.  What defines higher is not stated].
  • Cartel Owned Neighborhoods in the US.  Cartel members want to protect their families and infrastructure.  The rich of Tijuana have moved to the US to buy whole neighborhoods to protect their families…competing cartels know this and target the families for ransom, murder and/or competition.
  • Mentions how a Chula Vista police officer had his car shot up after trying to stop cartel targeting effort…the sheriff states the cartels “are not afraid to take on US law enforcement”.
Wait a couple seconds for the video below to spool will automatically start.

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