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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tennessee - Saint Death

No, this is not a Halloween prank.

Saint Death's presence is growing in the US. but what does this mean?

Followers of "Santa Muerte" here in Morristown
Lately, I have noticed alot of Hispanics driving around with vehicles that are painted with a picture of "death"; the grim reaper, holding the sickle and a globe. There is also a Mexican store on South Cumberland where a truck is always parked outside with a painting of Santa Muerte on it. I spoke to a pastor of a local Hispanic church and he didn't seem aware of the cult of Santa Muerte and its relationship to MS13 and drug cartels. I did some research and was wondering if I should bring this to the attention of the Morristown PD or Hamblen County Sheriff's Office. See research below:

Mexican authorities have linked the worship of Santa Muerte to prostitution, drug trafficking, kidnapping, smuggling and homicides.Criminals, among her most fervent believers, are likely to pray to her for successful conclusion of a job as well as escaping from the police or jail. In the north of Mexico, she is venerated along with Jesús Malverde, the so called “Saint of Drug Traffickers.” She is considered to be the “Virgin of the Incarcerated.” Many of those who enter prison in Mexico without believing in her, come to do so after a number of months. Many cells have images of Santa Muerte in different forms.Conversely, however, both police and military in Mexico can be counted among the faithful who ask for blessings on their weapons and ammunition.

As of 2009, devotion to Santa Muerte has been on the rise in the United States for the past ten years or so, mostly following the millions of Mexicans who have immigrated to the country. Evidence of devotion to her can be seen anywhere there is a large Mexican community, such as New York City, Houston, Tucson and Los Angeles.There are fifteen officially registered religious groups dedicated to her in Los Angeles alone,which includes the Temple of Santa Muerte.

For this reason, young people, housewives and grandmothers now purchase the icon and speak publicly about their faith. As in Mexico, the Catholic Church in the United States is trying to combat the worship of the deity, especially in Chicago. But compared to the Catholic Church in Mexico, the reaction in the U.S. is mostly either non-existent or muted. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has not issued an official position on this relatively new phenomenon in the country

Check this out:  Santa Muerte: Mexico's Mysterious Saint of Death
Santa Muerte Statue 18"12 Inch Black Santa Muerte Saint Death Grim Reaper Statue FigurineLa Santa Muerte/ Holy Death (Spanish Edition)

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