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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mexico's Casualites 28,000 Reported Deaths and 50,000 Possible Orphans

Read this Reuters coverage regarding the orphans of Mexico.

We often think of casualties in terms of single analytical components.  What we often fail to realize is that these components constitute, neighborhood, towns, cities and states.

Who will take care of the children?

What's being done to prevent them from being turned into child soldiers/child narco-killers like we have in other parts of the world?

This Reuters report is worth viewing.

Excerpt from the Reuters Piece

“Covering the story of Mexico’s narco orphans”
Oct 6, 2010 16:39 EDT

“Mexican journalists, often poorly paid, face intimidation directly from drug gangs, from local officials in the pay of the cartels and even from their own colleagues who take bribes from drug gangs to ensure certain stories don’t get published. Many choose to publish without bylines, or in the most extreme cases, stop reporting on the drug cartels altogether, creating a news blackout that international press groups say threatens Mexico’s standing as a healthy democracy. Reporters fear they risk their lives if they run investigative reports about corrupt politicians working with drug gangs or if they publish the names of cartel leaders living at large.

From Reuter's:  Click here for a multimedia PDF version of today’s special report “Mexico’s growing legion of narco orphans.”

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