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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Video 2/7 Observations: Drug Problem Ignored Is Now Endemic To Society - This Created an Atmosphere of Moral Relativism

Video 2/7 Observations: Drug Problem Ignored Is Now Endemic To Society - This Created an Atmosphere of Moral Relativism

According to the BBC report, drug production and distribution is a way of life in some parts of Mexican Society. The heart of the cartel activity appears to be in the Sinaloa region of Mexico, which is ~900 miles south of Tijuana. Criminal organizations have operated freely in this region for decades.

---Most of Mexico’s Marijuana is grown in the Sinaloa region. Mexico is one of the world’s largest producers of marijuana in the world. Marijuana constitutes ~60% of the cartels revenue – 8 billion dollars a year.

---~90% of the Colombian Cocaine comes to the US from this region; an estimated 50 billion dollars a year. This forces cartels to compete against one another for control over key points of entry into the US where the drugs are consumed. Sinaloa is best geographically positioned to leverage this opportunity.

---Drug production and trafficking is seen as a way of life in this region; a means to survive. Cartels hire bands to sing praises of them and their efforts via folk ballads called ‘corridos’. Locals admire their drug lords, and protect them due to their influence, power and opportunities for good pay. School children are introduced to the cartel culture at an early age and are enticed by the money, comfort and fame that comes from such activity. One Mexican reporter interviewed noted the drug culture pervades all of Mexican society from the bedroom, the family to society as a whole.

---Those who threaten the cartel are said to disappear, or killed outright. “Whole communities” disappear.

---And while the Mexican government is eradicating some of the drug crops. The interview between the Mexican General and the BBC reporter is interesting. It appears the general attempts to dissuade the BBC reporter from pushing for more information regarding the Sinaloa cartel leader’s whereabouts. Whether this is an operational security move, or a move based on self-preservation, makes one wonder.

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