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Monday, September 27, 2010

Democracy In Mexico Dying - Another Mexican Mayor Killed - Indications of Insurgency Continue to Surface

Another Mexican Mayor, Gustavo Sanchez, was killed.  He was the 11th mayor killed in 2010...the "third Mexican city leader to be attacked in the past five days".  Sanchez served as intereim mayor beginning in late 2009 because the former mayor resigned due to pressures from local criminal groups.

Location:  Uruapan; Michoacan State

Method of killing:  Possible Stoning

Cartel targeting of public officials is on the rise in Mexico...indications of a growing insurgency continue to surface...possible insurgent goals appears to usurp local authorities to secure cartel logistics nodes...

For more info read:  Mexican Mayor Becomes 11th City Chief Killed in 2010 as Drug Deaths Surge

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