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Friday, September 24, 2010

Napolitano to McCain: Yes, Mexican Cartels Pose Terror Threat to U.S. |

While it is nice to know the Homeland Security Secretary acknowledges the Mexican drug cartels pose a threat to US interests, what is being done?

This appears to be inaction in action...

Where will the US government go from here?

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano cites some facts and figures of what's occurring at the border from an informational standpoint.  NOWHERE in the video does she state what successful impacts have been made against the bleedover of criminal activity into the US or Mexico.  If anything she notes that while increased technology, personnel, gun seizure activities etc are now at the border, SHE DOES NOT NOTE any decrease in the the real SO WHAT in Mexico...that is ARE OUR ACTIONS HAVING AN EFFECT at degrading cartel activities and operations?  That appears to be the real SO WHAT here. 

I highlighted elements in the previous parargraph to note that statistical data DOES NOT necessarily correlate with activities on the ground.  In other words, she has not indicated anywhere that the current US efforts on the border equate to a diminishing threat.

I wonder what effects are we attempting to achieve at the border...are they token?  Where's the substance of our actions?  How is the quality of life and sense of security for Americans living in the border areas improving?

"Friday, September 24, 2010 By Edwin Mora
Under questioning by Sen. John McCain (R.-Ariz.) in the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano conceded that Mexican drug cartels pose a terrorist threat to the United States."

Napolitano to McCain: Yes, Mexican Cartels Pose Terror Threat to U.S.

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