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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

General Barry McCaffrey Warns Obama Administration in 2008. Death Rate Appears to Have Quadrupled.

Retired Army General Barry McCaffrey warned the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that instability in Mexico “fundamentally threaten US national security”.    
As you read the report, look at the numbers, particularly the numbers of those killed.  Look at the level of penetration the cartels achieved during this period as well...the killing and corruption of government leaders...  Mexico was dealing with an insurgency then.
After reading this report, then ask yourself if the situation has gotten worse.  Here's one metric for example according to the General's report; from 2006 to December 2008 there were 7000 murders.  Estimates today have the murder rate up to 27,000-28,000.  If true and accurate, this means the murders have quadrupled just within the last 2 years.
Ask yourself what the US is doing to prevent bleed-over into the US.

It appears right that Clinton called the situation in Mexico is morphing into an insurgency.

Also, Calderon IS NOT WINNING the war agains the cartels. 
Here’s an excerpt from the report for the incoming Obama Administration. 
“The incoming Obama Administration must immediately focus on the dangerous and worsening problems in Mexico, which fundamentally threaten US national security. Before the next eight years are past – the violent, warring collection of criminal drug cartels could overwhelm the institutions of the state and establish de facto control over broad regions of northern Mexico.”

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