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Monday, September 20, 2010

Mexico and The National OODA Loop: US Vulnerability to Strategic Surprise in the 21st Century

The National OODA Loop

The National OODA Loop:  US Vulnerability to Strategic Surprise in the 21st Century

Despite a number of organizational changes made to enhance security within the United States since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the United States remains vulnerable to strategic surprise. According to studies and observations by the RAND Corporation , members of the intelligence community , media reports and academic sources, the vulnerability exists due at least seven basic issues. Of the seven issues the most important two are a lack of national resolve and the lack of appropriate authorities to allow appropriate organizations the ability to rapidly adapt to changes required to identify, monitor, avert, engage, preempt and/or eliminate strategic surprise. Resolve and authorities serve as the basis to establish both offensive and defensive capabilities against strategic surprise.

US vulnerability to strategic surprise in the 21st-century will be based upon the following:

• lack of national will

• lack of legal freedom to maneuver

• inadequate/inflexible laws and rules of engagement

• money/logistics

• dynamic threat

• inadequate training

• unrealistic expectations
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