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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Watching a Nation State's Democracy Die

Calderon may be doing the best he can at the moment, but the bottom line is that he is ineffective and not considered able to protect journalists, not to mention the population.

"Calderon received a joint delegation of editors and press advocates from around the hemisphere Wednesday. Afterward, his office announced that it would establish a warning system and plan of protection for journalists, and it reiterated a promise to make attacks on journalists subject to federal investigation.

However, skepticism about Calderon's pledges was thick Thursday among newspaper editors at a forum hosted by the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Inter American Press Association, a hemispheric press affairs group.

Thousands of police officers and soldiers patrol the streets of Ciudad Juarez but they don't make residents feel safer, said Diario de Juarez director Pedro Torres, because "they have taken part in kidnappings, in extortions and in robberies."

source article: Killings of journalists lead to news blackouts in Mexico McClatchy

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