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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Something Mexico Needs to Copy

This add is too good to not copy, paste and share...Kudos to the Houston Police Department on their community policing effort.  Houston's approach is spot-on.  Source link is noted below.

"We Need Your Help

Helping WITHOUT Having to Call the Police

Everyone in the community can now participate with minimal effort ANONYMOUSLY.

Gangs are a community problem requiring a collaborative approach of intervention, prevention and suppression.

This website operates like a local / regional "crime watch" that allows residents and businesses to communicate about criminal gang activity impacting their neighborhoods and businesses on a real time basis in an effort to prevent the community from being further victimized.  This public safety partnership allows the community to become additional eyes and ears to law enforcement to fight gang crime proactively. 

Gang Members Hiding in the Cracks

Because gang members hide in the cracks of our community as they commit crimes in the Houston area, we need your help identifying them and their criminal activities.  Our web site allows businesses and the public to report gang related incidents no matter how trivial on an anonymous basis; if that is your preference. Our website is for members of the community trying to keep their neighborhoods and families safe from gangs and related violence.   Your participation is greatly appreciated and collectively can provide significant help is thwarting criminal gang activity.

Why Anonymous Reporting?

Law enforcement can be made aware of the incident / tip without having to involve you as a witness. All leads can be submitted on a confidential basis to the Houston Multi-Agency Gang Task Force Partners.  All tips are anonymous unless the submitter provides their contact information.  Your IP Address is not being logged and/or transmitted during submission. 

Reasons Why People Don't Report Gang Violence & Related Crimes

They are not sure who they should report the incident to
They are not sure the information is of any significance
They don't want to be witnesses or get involved
They are apprehensive about reporting anything to the police
They are fearful about becoming a target of retaliation"

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