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Sunday, September 26, 2010

First the Media, Now the Government nearing Capitulation- Mexico Considering to Legalize Drugs in General, NOT just Marijuana

The cartels appear to be succeeding in their efforts at forcing the government of Mexico to change its policy towards legalizing drugs.

This week we have the media surrendering to the cartels, now we have the Mexican government considering to surrender as well.  Yes, this is the same government that claimed it is winning the war on drugs against the cartels.  The same goverment that stated his country is not facing an insurgency.

If the laws change, what does this say to the good and honest Mexican people?

It will potentially say this...

1.  Crime pays...put enough pressure on the government, be patient, and things will work out.
2.  Laws are relative...forget morality, ethics, sense of justice, honor and fairness.
3.  You can kill and not worry about being held accountable for your actions...eventually, everyone will forget about it.
4.  Kill and make as much money as you can now, so when things are legal, you have a business to run in the open.
5.  Once legal businesses are established, we now need to make stronger inroads into the US.


Where is the Secretary for Homeland Security on all this?

What is she telling the president and his cabinet regarding the potential implications this could have on US interests?

What does this say about Hillary Clinton's assessment regarding the MX situation morphing into an insurgency?

What does this say about the judgement and leadership of Obama?  He obviously cannot see a national security concern when its sitting in front of him...and ignores his State Department advisor on the issue...even downplaying it and undermining her credibility.

visit the source:  Mexico looks to legalisation as drug war murders hit 28,000

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