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Monday, September 27, 2010

Bolton: "Drug cartels taking over Mexican government"

Bolton: "Drug cartels taking over Mexican government"

John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the UN, stated the following regarding the situation in Mexico:

-He agrees with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's assessment that Mexico shares similarities with Colombia with respect to narco-terrorism and elements of insurgency.

-Bolton understands Calderon is in a "tricky position" in that there is a lot of pressure from Mexicans that he "appease the drug cartels" and allow them to continue their corruption of Mexican society.

Watch the video:

Video identifies different forms of penetration the cartels are conducting to influence/takeover the Mexican Government:

-Cartels are penetrating the Mexican national governing bodies...once sworn in they are immune to prosecution.  This allows them to influence the laws of the state.

-Cartels TTPs are identified with respect to what means they use to influence the media

-Other TTPs are identified....

John Bolton: Drug cartels taking over Mexican government (video)

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