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Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Need to Emulate Success - Increasing Community Policing

The first step in disrupting the psychological control gangs hold over the population begins with community policing efforts.  The  articles and links below just serve as one example. 

Unfortunately for Mexicans, however, is the possibility of limited computer access and crooked police, but the concept still shows promise.

On a related segue, gangs affiliated with the Mexican cartels are noted on the site.

"HPD announces new anti-gang effort, website Tell a friend by Keith Loria published September 23, 2010 01:10pm

Police officials gather to announce new gang initiative.
The Houston Police Department has created an anti-gang website in a new effort to help stop gang violence."


The website,, can be used to inform and educate the public about criminal gangs and provide a way for residents to report anonymous tips about potential criminal gang activity, according to a police department statement.


"This is a perfect example of what community policing is all about," Chief McClelland said. "If we can improve communications with our residents and stop one act of violence, then it's a success."

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