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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Obama rejects Clinton comment on Mexico

Obama rejects Clinton comment on Mexico

Yes, Mexico is facing an insurgency.

Sub-revolutionary movements do not need to overthrow a government. In this case we are talking about criminals. They only need to control terrority and resources they need to achieve their objectives. The fact the MX government cannot stop them says everything.

The cartels control the security, economic and politicals nodes affecting their operations. From there, the government and stability begins to rot away.

While MX may exist in paper...looking at a map will show the government DOES NOT control all of Mexico.

Remember folks, we missed the insurgency in Iraq early because nobody wanted to call it for what it was.

The administration is cow-towing to MX politics. MX government is facing a crisis in legitimacy...has been for years.

While I've not been a Hillary fan over the years, she's called this situation right.


  1. You seem to oppose the break up of Mexico. Seems to me we should argue for that.

    Most people in power were criminals at one point. I am sure the Saxons labelled the Normans criminals until William the Conquerer came to power. Mexico has always been a feudalistic culture says their Nobel Prize winning poet Octavio Paz. So why not let the country return to a patchwork of feudal territories each with its own lord. All the should interest us is that peace ensue where violence has raged.

  2. Walker, you make some great points.

    Actually, I'm not necessarily opposed to the break up of MX. I'm only concerned of the trafficking elements spreading into the US via gangs and other related activities.

    While I do focus on the cartels of MX, I'm really concerned about how this will help fuel growing gang activity in the US, but that's to be a whole other blog someday...maybe.

    MX, as you note, is actually broken up now. Maybe we should recognize it as such for the reasons you note.

    I will only add that the US Govt is ignoring what appears to be the reality.

    Again, great catch.

